Friday, April 3, 2009

Making Laundry Soap

My sister found a recipe on the internet for making your own laundry soap - that works and only cost $.01 a load. Can you beat that?
Here's the address where we got it

You only need 4 ingredients

Fels Naptha

Washing Soda

Borax powder


essential oil - optional

So my friend Elizabeth and I decided this was a good idea that we wanted in on.

After finding the ingredients - which isn't easy unless you know someone who lives in Coalville, UT (thanks Danielle) This small town 100 year old store there sells all the ingredients. You will need to order them off the internet if you cannot find this good of a hook up.

The process only took about an hour (give or take), while you are feeding and entertaining children. Check out what it looks like.

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